Monday, September 20, 2010

The Beginning of Design

I don't have very many memories of design early on. Growing up I always looked forward to having projects where I needed to make a poster so that I could get the markers out and start deciding how I wanted to lay things out on the poster and it always made me excited to want to show others what I had done.

One experience in particular that opened me up to the Arts/Design was when I was kind of forced into taking a high school drawings class because nothing else fit in my schedule. I took the class and found myself often frustrated with drawing but when my teacher pulled me aside and told me that he couldn't believe I had never taken any other drawing or art classes and that I needed to sign up right away because he thought I had such a talent. I was so surprised. That was the last thing that I thought would come out of that class. 

 I didn't take anymore art classes in high school but when I was an interior design student at Mizzou I was introduced to Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator and immediatly fell in love. I ended up not being happy as interior designer because I hated the hand drafting. I was transferring to Maryville the next year and thought I would take a chance with Graphic design.

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