Tuesday, September 28, 2010


When looking for inspiration I tend to go to the AIGA website and look at the design archives. It helps me get a feel for what is already out there and what people are doing.

I also go to fuelyourcreativity.com I find alot of good identitys on their and it helps to inspire me to do something different.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Portfolio Sites

Yourprofolio.com - One time $10 fee.
Carbonmade.com - Free

The Beginning of Design

I don't have very many memories of design early on. Growing up I always looked forward to having projects where I needed to make a poster so that I could get the markers out and start deciding how I wanted to lay things out on the poster and it always made me excited to want to show others what I had done.

One experience in particular that opened me up to the Arts/Design was when I was kind of forced into taking a high school drawings class because nothing else fit in my schedule. I took the class and found myself often frustrated with drawing but when my teacher pulled me aside and told me that he couldn't believe I had never taken any other drawing or art classes and that I needed to sign up right away because he thought I had such a talent. I was so surprised. That was the last thing that I thought would come out of that class. 

 I didn't take anymore art classes in high school but when I was an interior design student at Mizzou I was introduced to Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator and immediatly fell in love. I ended up not being happy as interior designer because I hated the hand drafting. I was transferring to Maryville the next year and thought I would take a chance with Graphic design.

Monday, September 13, 2010


For my Capstone Project I am doing a Dog Resort. I came across this Dog Place and loved everything about the design. I love the clean modern lines that it has. It inspires me to make my Dog Resort clean and sophisticated as well. I believe it works well because it is classy and sophisticated. Most dog owners that would be taking there dogs here are willing to spend the money for their dogs so they are probably well established and classy people just like the design.

I think the designer did a great job because I think that the design matches the client very well. I like the look of less is more and that is definitely used here. 

Thursday, September 9, 2010


9.17 Resume update
10.1 Magazine Revisions
10.5 Identity
10.29 Brochures
11.12 Have stuff printed
11.19 Start adding Capstone stuff