Tuesday, August 31, 2010

I am very influenced by Paul Rand. Rand is mostly known for his corporate identities such as IBM, ABC and UPS. I feel like he has influenced me a lot because one of my passions is Identity. I like to think of my style as modern, clean and simplistic and Rand is known for his simplistic design. Here is a quote that I found from Paul-Rand.com.

Although his logos may be interpreted as simplistic, Rand was quick to point out in A Designer’s Art that “ideas do not need to be esoteric to be original or exciting.” His American Broadcasting Company trademark, created in 1962, epitomizes that ideal of minimalism while proving Rand’s point that a logo “cannot survive unless it is designed with the utmost simplicity and restraint.”

I agree with this statement 100%. I feel that less is more. If you think about it a lot of designs that are simple do last longer because they don't date/feel out of date with a whole lot of junk added.

Here are a couple of my Identity designs.